Texas A&M Collegiate 4-H
Becoming a Member
Our Purpose
Becoming a Member
Contact Us
Calendar of Events

We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.

Who Can Join?

We encourage ALL majors to join Collegiate 4-H.  Past involvement in 4-H is not necessary, because TAMU 4-H'ers have two common goals: they are AGGIES, and they are willing to work hard to achieve the club's goals.

Benefits of Joining

In Collegiate 4-H, members have the opportunity to expand their leadership, community and social skills.  Members practice leadership through their involvement in committees, planning and carrying-out club activities.  Members also get a chance to help the community through activities such as Big Event and volunteering to help local 4-H clubs. Social interaction is a big part of Collegiate 4-H. A true bond is formed among all the members as they participate in socials such as Chili Cook-Off and attending the Regional and National Conferences in places such as Denver, Colorado and Washington D.C.

How Can You Join?

If you are interested in joining you can contact any of the officers on the contact page or come to a meeting.  All you need to do is fill out a contact information form and pay your dues.  Dues are $10 a semester.  We hope to see you at a future meeting!